Lagos – Participants in the Mavrodi Mondial Movement (MMM) on Friday heaved a sigh of relief as the money-spinning venture promoters announced their resumption after one month break that left them in suspense. MMM promoters in a message to the participants on its portal reassured them that it was in line with its promise to resume after a month The participants have flooded social media with messages depicting high hopes as the promoters of the ponzi scheme re-opened. In the MMM message, participants are told that “the holidays are over and restrictions on accounts is lifted and reopened for transactions. “The holidays are over, and we’re now open. Just as promised. You might have already noticed that we always stick to our promises,’’ the message said. The message displayed on the pages of all participants of the scheme cheered its members as it reopened a day earlier than promised. According to the message, panic will reign in the first few days after the re-opening of t...
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